Wednesday, April 8, 2020

April 8

I am unaccountably filled with rage.  At the usual suspects -Trump, the sorry, sycophantic opportunists of the GOP- but also all the gratitude-spewing, smug, stay-at-home boosters I know, in person and online. I'm glad you are finding being trapped in a never-ending Groundhog Day with no break, ever, from small children, manageable and sometimes pleasant.  Stop sharing it with the rest of us.  And childless people:  I do understand you are experiencing quarantine with no children as difficult, and it is difficult, but stop scolding parents for envying your life, because I promise you, it IS a solid league harder to do this with small kids- you just don't know.

I am usually able to muster compassion and empathy for other perspectives, and somehow, right now, I cannot.  I desperately need a day to be by myself.

Instead, the baby is crying.  Again.

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