Saturday, April 18, 2020

April 18

A couple of notes:

The next wave of economic destruction is heaving into view.  Artists, freelancers, and low-wage workers were first, but now some of my friends and students are starting to be furloughed or fired..librarians, IT workers, researchers, faculty members.  It makes me sad, and low-grade nervous for my husband's job.  My online teaching at this point I think will survive, even if some students fall away...but that could be overly optimistic.  This pandemic has been worse than my expectations at almost every turn- and I am a pessimist by nature.

My mother snapped a picture of where my father's memorial oak tree will be planted in Bryan Park.  It is a lovely spot, next to a bench and a small creek; he would have approved.  I hope that someday I get to visit it.

I continue to be profoundly thankful that he is already gone.

I did have a couple of nice moments in lessons this week.  I watched a 96-year old new student pour his heart into Bach's Air on a G String, and I talked with a longtime student about the eternity inherent in chaconnes-their harmonies were repeating before you were born; they are repeating now; they will be repeating after you die.  I think she found solace in that, as do I.

1 comment:

Hana said...

I love that your father will have a memorial tree--it is a perfect way to honor him. And I think he would enjoy looking over the shoulders of folks sitting on the bench and providing them with shade.