Thursday, May 29, 2008

Over the River and through the Woods

That great prepositional song about grandmothers with its dippy lyrics and heaving intervals! It occurs to me, as I'm about to step off the precipice of this particular day, that this song contains everything you need to know about life. Never mind education, higher or otherwise. Never mind literature or love. The only essentials in life are a destination and a way to get there.

I have my old roommate, a Toyota Corolla, and an atlas. The whole bundle of us will be in San Francisco in eleven days. In the time between now and then, I will try my hardest to move through something other than words. I'm thinking sky, storm systems, states. A little bit of silence.

In the spirit of silence (not to mention the spirit of iffy internet access) I may not post for a while. What I will do is twitter to the blog. Because that way the 2.5 of you who read this regularly can follow along. And because everyone likes to make a little noise.

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